Discover IHG® One Rewards, a dedicated loyalty programme that offers exceptional benefits, with rewards that really matter. Earn points toward rewards when you stay with us, travel, shop and dine with our partners and when you take advantage of our exclusive offers. For those seeking exclusivity, discover InterContinental® Ambassador, a recognition program for guests of InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, offering a full range of dedicated services and exclusive benefits to enhance your stay with us.

IHG One Rewards

We believe your travel experiences should be even more rewarding, so we’re here to give you more of what your deserve - more exceptional benefits when you stay with us, more rewards that really matter and many choices for you to enjoy it all. Earn points toward rewards when you stay with us, travel, shop and dine with our partners and when you take advantage of our exclusive offers.

As a member of IHG® One Rewards Club, select personal stay preferences to customise hotel stays just the way you like them, and enjoy complimentary Internet worldwide with us.

InterContinental Ambassador

Worldly, refined, and discerning, the qualities of the modern traveler, and the essence of the InterContinental® Ambassador programme.

With every journey you take, whether for business or pleasure, Ambassador enhances your stay with exceptional benefits including a guaranteed room upgrade each time you visit, dedicated check-in and extended check-out till 4.00pm, alongside complimentary weekend nights and bonus IHG® One Rewards Club points to enhance your stay with us.

IHG Business Rewards

When you make bookings on behalf of others, we're here to reward you. With IHG® Business Rewards, you can earn points every time you book accommodations, meetings, or events at nearly 6,000 participating IHG® Hotels & Resorts worldwide.